I've searched and searched, videos, speeches and commercials to find one that would fit Maxwell & Schmitt's Taxonomy Influence Tactics. I think that this video of Animal Abuse with the musician Sarah McLachlan fits perefectly for this weeks post.
From Maxwell and Schmitt's Influence tactics, the most predominant one is the Negative Self-Feeling. The video starts off by sharing small facts about animals being abused. It then shows clips of various animals looking sad or distressed. Trying to make you feel bad about animals that are being abused every hour. What are you doing to help? If you haven't or didn't know then you should do something and be the answer.
Then I feel it does the flip side to that with the Positive Self-Feeling. If you are to help donate and be the answer to these poor mistreated animals, then you will be a better person. You have done something to help those animals in need by taking action and being the answer.
There is also some Moral Appeal, if you are a dog or cat lover, you will do something to help their cause. Help an animal today by calling or going on line to sign up and pay a monthly donation to help change from the life they once lived.
Lastly of the tactics there is the Reward because you help donate you will be rewarded with a monthly gift. You will also receive a beautiful tote bag if you sign up today.
All of these tactics are used in this video to help motivate you to donate and be the answer to these animals lives. The process premises in this video under Maslow's Hierarchy is safety and belonging. They portray that these animals were abused from their previous owners and hope to give them that safety and belonging. They were not safe before and can only get that through your help. Make them feel that they belong and can have a happy place to live.
One of the biggest is the emotion they use in the entire video. Guilt. They want you to feel bad for the animals that they show and encourage you to be their answer. It is a guilt trip to get you to help donate for their cause. Make you feel bad and that you have to do something, acting on your emotion. This was a great video to do on Maxwell and Schmitt's tactics and help me see how and what people do to persuade you for their cause.